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Masters of Midnight Page 18

  “Yes,” countered Ben.

  He walked to the stairs and descended them as quickly as he could. Titus followed, grabbing Ben by the arm. “You can’t do this,” he pleaded.

  Ben reached up and stroked Titus’s face. Then he kissed him gently. “Go,” he said. “Out the back door. There are others like Blackwood. Find them and destroy them.”

  “You can’t do this,” said Titus again. “Not because of me.”

  “Go,” said Ben.

  He released Titus and walked toward the front door of the house. Outside, the crowd was yelling for those inside to come out. Some of them were banging on the door.

  Ben turned. Titus was still standing there, watching him with a look of loss and pain on his face. Then he turned away and ran to the kitchen. Ben heard the sound of the screen door opening.

  He went to the front door. Pausing there, he opened a drawer in the small table that sat in the hallway. Searching among its contents, he located a box of matches and a pocketknife among the bits of string and pencils needing sharpening. These he took out.

  Opening the knife’s blade, he ran it across his palm. Blood immediately began to run. He looked at it for a moment before wiping it across his face and coating his other hand in it. Then he opened the box of matches and, with bloodstained fingers, struck one against the side. It flared to life. He looked at the cheerful flame for a moment, then held it to the curtains that covered the windows on either side of the door. As the fire took hold and began to burn, he opened the door and walked onto the porch.

  The crowd surrounding the house stopped their movements and looked at him. Ben stared out at their faces, at the fear and rage in their eyes. Had John Rullins seen such faces when they’d come for him? Had he looked up into eyes filled with hatred and understood what was about to happen to him?

  Ben understood. He faced the people of Downing and held up his hands.

  “I killed him,” he said. He laughed. “I killed all of them.”

  Behind him, the fire was taking hold of the house, moving from the curtains to the wallpaper. He could feel its heat against his back. Soon, he knew, the whole thing would become an oven, burning away all that was inside. They would look for remains of Titus’s body, but they would find nothing but ashes.

  “I killed your children!” Ben shouted.

  He wondered if Titus was watching. He hoped not. As the first figures moved up the steps and reached for him, he hoped that Titus was running, running through the darkness with the jars of bees in his hands.


  Sean Wolfe


  “Is there anything else I can get you, Mr. Suazo?”

  Is The flight attendant smiled as he handed Bradon his second vodka and tonic. He was a striking man, if a little young to be the ranking first-class attendant on a transnational flight. Bradon guessed him to be in his mid-thirties, even though he looked much younger. Not quite masculine enough to be handsome exactly, but elegantly poised and professional. His brown hair was gelled and spiked with bleached-blond tips. His eyes were a piercing blue-gray and lined with long, thick brown eyelashes. When he smiled, twin dimples graced either side of his thin, pink lips.

  Despite the persistent buzz of his own internal alarm system, Bradon couldn’t control the fluttering he felt in his stomach when he looked at Daniel.

  “A cigarette would be just perfect,” Bradon said.

  “I’m sorry, sir, but all Delta Airlines flights are non-smoking flights. It’s federal law.”

  “Yes, I know.” Bradon smiled and set his glass at the upper right corner of his tray table. “I was kidding. I’m just not a fan of air travel, that’s all.”

  “I understand,” Daniel said, and smiled back. “I wear the patch myself, just to get me through these longer flights,” he said, and tapped his upper arm. “Unfortunately, it’s going to be a very long trip, and we’ve barely lifted off. Hopefully that drink will help a little. I’ll be sure to keep them coming.”

  “Yes, I’m sure it will. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure, sir,” Daniel said, and moved on to attend the next row of passengers behind him.

  Bradon took a long drink of his vodka before diluting it with the sparkling tonic. Then he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. Not so much because he was tired, but because he did not want the tears to fall. The last thing he needed after the most hectic and horrible week of his young life was to fall apart now, after he’d taken such drastic measures to move on. No, falling apart now was out of the question, and so he took a cool, deep breath of pressurized and filtered oxygen, opened his eyes and swallowed the last of his drink.

  “I think that little fairy likes you,” the overweight man sitting next to him said.

  Bradon grumbled to himself and rolled his head to the right, so that he stared out the window into the dark night.

  The overweight man had been sweating and trying to engage him in ignorant banter from the moment he’d squeezed himself into the aisle seat next to Bradon. He’d introduced himself as Ted, then accidentally passed gas with the effort of forcing his oversized ass into the tiny seat. A nasty, almost visible stench hovered around a three-foot radius of the man, and instantly warmed any cool air that was directed out of the tiny air-conditioning vent above them.

  “They’re everywhere now. Can’t even go to the supermarket without bumping into them.”


  “You know. The fags.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” Bradon said and sat up straight in his chair. “I’d be careful who you say something like that to.”

  “Ah, they don’t mind. They’re used to it. Prancing around like little princesses all the time, making a big deal of the fact that they do the nasty with each other. It’s disrespectful, that’s what it is.”


  “Hell, yes. They should keep it in the bedroom, not be openly coming on to unsuspecting young studs like you and me.”

  “So Daniel was coming on to you, too?”

  “Fuck no. I’d snap his neck in two, and he knows it. He knows I’m a big ladies man. Did you see that broad with the French braids? The little blond gal near the back. I’d give my left nut for a chance with a broad like that,” Ted wheezed.

  Bradon said nothing, but scowled at the fat man and raised his empty glass for Daniel to refill.

  “Another vodka and tonic, Mr. Suazo?”

  “Yes, please. No ice this time, if you don’t mind.”

  “Certainly. Is there anything else I can get for you?”

  Ted snorted and nudged Bradon’s arm.

  “No, I’m fine, thank you. But, Daniel, would you happen to know anything about the attendant in the back section of the plane. The blonde with the braids?”

  “Pamela?” Daniel asked, not completely successful in hiding his disappointment.

  “Yes, I believe that was her name.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know very much about her. We’ve only worked a few shifts together.”

  “I see. Well, Daniel, to be very honest with you, I’m not really interested in Pamela at all. I would very much like, however, to wrap you into my arms and kiss you until you’re breathless. Pamela isn’t really my type, you see. But my friend here, Ted, was just relaying to me that he’d be willing to perform a most painful act of self-mutilation in order to do with Pamela exactly what I’d like to do with you.”

  The fat man choked on his drink and spit a mouthful of it onto the back of the seat in front of him.

  “You have obviously had more than enough to drink,” Daniel said sternly. He removed the cup from Ted’s shaking hand and tossed the almost full drink into the trashcan a few feet away. “You’re cut off, Mr. Carlton. You’ve been told more than once on previous trips about your sexual comments toward our female attendants. One more word out of you about how fiercely you would enjoy yourself with the pleasures of any of my crew’s body, and I will have you arrested and escorted off the plane the minute we la

  As he struggled to regain his composure, Ted put his hands up in a gesture of surrender. “Okay, okay. I was just trying to make a little lighthearted conversation. No need to get your panties all in a wad.”

  “Nothing about you is light, Mr. Carlton. I’m sure Mrs. Carlton would not be pleased to hear of how horribly you’ve been conducting yourself on this trip all alone, either. Don’t think for a moment I won’t tell her how horribly you’ve behaved the next time she accompanies you on one of these little business trips.”

  “Oh, really, there’s no need to . . .”

  “Are you quite certain?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry. I promise. Not another word.”

  “All right, then. Is there is anything else I can get you, Mr. Suazo?”

  “No, thank you, Daniel. I’m fine. Actually, I’d rather enjoy that kiss I mentioned earlier, but I’d hate for you to get all aggressive on me like you did with Ted, here.”

  Daniel smiled, then leaned across the massive bulk of Ted Carlton’s body and kissed Bradon on the mouth. “Come on to the back of the plane after we’ve finished serving beverages. I’ll switch areas with Pamela and we can be alone for a few minutes then.”

  “I’ll do that,” Bradon said, and pulled Daniel closer to him for a final kiss.

  “What’d you go and do a thing like that for?” Ted whined as Daniel pulled the curtain in front of them closed. “You kissed him.”

  “Yes, I did. And in a few moments I’ll probably be doing much more than that with him.”

  “You’re a fag!”


  “I should have known. You pretty boys are all alike with your hundred-dollar haircuts and your fancy clothes and expensive jewelry. And I can tell you pluck your eyebrows, too. Don’t think that one got past me. Those big blue eyes are faker than a wooden penny, and I’ll bet you spent half your parents’ fortune to get those cheekbones and that jaw-line done. But, to each his own, I suppose. But that Daniel pansy better not try any of that fancy stuff with me, or I’ll beat him to a pulp. And don’t you go getting all limp-wrist on me, either.”

  “Oh, I think you can count on that.”

  About ten minutes later, Daniel’s voice came over the intercom, calling Pamela to the front of the aircraft. As she passed their aisle, Ted reached out and pinched her on the ass. Pamela yelped and slapped his shoulder.

  “Mr. Carlton! You’ve been warned about that kind of behavior before,” she said as she slapped his shoulder again and walked off. She seemed more concerned about why she was being called to the front of the plane than she was about Ted’s little pinch on the ass. She stumbled forward toward the cabin.

  Ted snorted a phlegm-filled chuckle and began coughing again. “She would never admit it, but she really does have a thing for me. Did you see the way she caressed my shoulder as she left?”

  “She slapped you.”

  “Oh, that was for your benefit. She has to maintain that professional image in front of other passengers.”

  “Sounds like she was pretty serious to me.”

  “Nah. Underneath that tough exterior, she’s a little pussycat. Get it? Pussycat?”

  “I don’t think that’s very appropriate.”

  “Lighten up, man. She’s a stewardess, for chrissakes. Coffee, tea or me? Everyone knows the real reason a girl gets into this line of work. You don’t really think they make enough money legitimately to survive, do you?”

  Bradon arched his brows.

  “They all supplement their income.” Ted smiled, revealing uneven rows of yellow-stained teeth and a gray tongue. He grabbed his crotch and squeezed it grotesquely as he nudged Bradon in the arm again. “Know what I mean?”

  “No, I’m afraid I do not.”

  Ted tried to raise his hips suggestively, but was lodged tightly in the seat. He took a deep breath and smiled again. “Let’s just say our little Pamela serves up a little more than just soda and chips from time to time. I’m wearing her down, slowly. One of these days she’s going to come around and jump on the old Ted Carlton train. And once she gets a taste of Big Daddy, she’ll be begging me for more. That tongue of hers will be way too busy licking my lollipop to be worrying about smarting off to me like that.”

  “Yes, I’m sure she’d be quite interested in hearing that.”

  “Nah. There’s no sense in getting her all worked up again. She’s gotta save some of that energy up for when I smack that tight little ass of hers and pull her down onto my . . .”

  Bradon grabbed Ted’s arm and squeezed it tightly. “You are a vulgar pig, Mr. Carlton, and you are wearing my nerves dangerously thin. Perhaps shutting that rotting little mouth of yours for the duration of this trip might be prudent.”

  “You’re hurting my arm,” Ted moaned.

  Bradon squeezed even harder and leaned in a couple of inches closer. He squinted his eyes into piercing narrow slits. From this close, the stench caused Bradon’s stomach to churn. “I really do not want to have to take this to the next level, Mr. Carlton. It would be a much less painful trip for you if you just nod your head right now to show me that you understand me.”

  Large beads of sweat popped out across Carlton’s forehead and ran down his face.

  “Mr. Carlton? Ted?” Bradon’s voice lowered to a deep bass whisper that was barely audible. “Nod your head very slowly to let me know that you hear me.”

  Ted nodded his head very slowly, and tried unsuccessfully to produce enough saliva to swallow.

  “One more word out of that stinking little trap of yours, and I will kill you. I will sink my teeth into that fat neck and rip it apart until there is nothing left of you but a bloody, dripping carcass. Am I making myself perfectly clear?”

  A tear formed in Ted’s eyes and fell down his cheek as Bradon tightened his grip and held his gaze.

  “Your head is not moving, Ted.”

  Ted nodded his head and began weeping.

  “You will stop crying this instant, Ted. When I release your arm, you will not remember this conversation. And you will not say another word to me the remainder of this trip. Do you understand me?”


  “Good. I can tell just by looking at you that you would be quite tough, and not the least bit palatable. I prefer not wasting my time with killing you. I’m going to let go of your arm now, and return to my drink and the comfort of my solitude. I want you to apologize to Pamela for insulting her with your disgusting comments, and then I want you not to say another word the rest of the flight. Will you do that for me, Ted?”

  Ted nodded again.

  “Fine,” Bradon said, releasing his grip on Ted’s arm. He leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. A couple of minutes later he heard Ted call Pamela over and apologize for his behavior.

  When Pamela mumbled her acceptance, Bradon allowed his mind to drift for the first time in over a week. In just over three hours he would be landing in San Francisco a new man. He’d left Bradon Lugo far behind him in Boston, with his dead father.

  Bradon Suazo was a new man. A different man. A better man. He was his mother’s son now, and taking her name would give Bradon the strength to move ahead and survive. Bradon Lugo had been weak and had always lived in the shadow of his father. He had relied on the half-truths and the unspoken lies Victor Lugo dispensed at will.

  He’d believed them all, too. With all his heart he’d believed the stories, the fantasies, the mythical love story of Rachel Suazo and Victor Lugo. He’d believed he was the very special product of an incomparable passion and boundless love.

  How foolish he’d been.

  There was nothing truthful about Victor Lugo. His was a world of lies, craftily designed and meticulously told. Victor hadn’t told a truthful word in decades, possibly centuries. Each day was lived in preparation for the next deception.

  But Bradon had put an end to all the lies, all the deceit. He took a deep breath and laid back in the farthest reclining position on the seat and closed his eyes
. In a few more hours, he would arrive in his new home. Boston, and every grimy, despicable memory of his youth there, would become distant memories.

  “Mr. Suazo, I have a few free minutes. If you want to come back with me, I can show you the galley.”

  Bradon opened his eyes and looked into the smiling face of the cute flight attendant.

  “Call me Bradon,” he said, and stood up to follow Daniel to the back of the plane.

  When they reached the back section of the plane, Daniel whispered that this was where they kept the cups and snacks and extra pillows and blankets. He turned around to face Bradon, and when he did, Bradon leaned in so that his full body pushed gently against Daniel’s until Daniel was walking backward blindly. He stopped only when his back abutted the lavatory door.

  “I can’t go in there with you,” he whispered.

  “Of course you can,” Bradon whispered back, and reached down to open the door. “Why else would you have called me back here?”

  “I was thinking we could make out a little in the galley. But the bathroom? Someone will catch us. We won’t hear them coming and then they’ll try to get in and make a scene.”

  “No, they won’t. They’re all otherwise engaged.”

  Daniel peered around Bradon’s shoulders and noticed, that indeed, all the passengers seemed occupied.

  “Your heart is beating fast, Daniel,” Bradon whispered as he leaned in and kissed the attendant’s earlobe. “Are you afraid?”

  “Yes, a little.”

  “Don’t be afraid,” Bradon said as he opened the restroom door and ushered Daniel inside.

  Daniel was panting heavily and gasping for breath as he leaned over the sink and pushed his ass against the hardness straining against Bradon’s jeans.

  Bradon looked at his reflection in the small mirror above the sink. His black, shiny hair was trendily cut and styled. His bright blue eyes sparkled with excitement. His lips were full and pink. His muscles bulged against the fabric of his clothing. To anyone else, Bradon Suazo would look like the next budding cinematic superstar. But Bradon looked closer into the mirror. His lips weren’t quite as pink and supple as they normally were. And his skin was pale. Very pale. He hadn’t fed in over a week, and it was beginning to show. He felt the strength and energy drain from his body with every passing hour.